So much has happened in the last few weeks. First of all, welcome to our latest artist Plaz, a talented artist.
We have great things in store in November.... don't you just love when we leave you hanging? With all of the comings and goings the last month or so, it really made me appreciate how the DJ and electronic music artist crowd is a continual basis of support, discussion, and friendly advice. I'm based out of Atlanta, Georgia, when I was new to the scene, the outpouring of help and support from other Atlanta DJ's. It truly meant a lot to me. Those moments live with you for life. It's the small, thoughtful support, it fuels the grind. It definitely manifests itself as your music develops and just honest to goodness unflinching help, encouragement, and so much more. We are an immoveable community. For me, getting gigs, performing, and honest to god recognition for my work is a community effort and recognition. P.S. my newest track will be released tomorrow, 18 October 2021
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I am really excited to share and feature dedicated partners to both The Viper Underground as well as me (DJ Stephanie). I have worked with Brandon for a few years now and his work definitely speaks for itself. He certainly has accomodated and helped me develop DJ intro's and drops with some crazy twists and requests.
For instance, my go to DJ Intro is based on a compilation of Rick & Morty samples. You can check them out on my SoundCloud link on the home page. In my opinion, adding in a dynamic intro enhances the quality and energy of any music event. It is also a great way to advertise and be one-of-a-kind. The pricing is on point and the customer experience is excellent. I can't say enough good things about Brandon and his company. I'm proud to designate them as The Viper Underground's first Featured Partner. DJ DROPS 24/7 Website: IG: @djdrops247 This is literally my favorite type of interaction with fellow music lovers and all things EDM/Trap and name that genre.
So what is it? It's a live mix session that is highly interactive with listeners all over social media blending live mixing with honest discourse about music, your everyday shenanigans, and more. For me it's great to hear other's feedbacks and thoughts on music and well really, just anything. It also never fails to bring a whole new level of levity and fun that will literally have you laughing so hard you're crying. How can you participate? Follow me on social media and reach out: IG: stephanie_tdn Twitters: @djdoctornation YouTube: The Viper Underground Twitch: DjDoctorStephanie DM, text, post... you know the drill. Come be part of the experience and join the conversation! I do this every Thursday from 7-8 pm EST live from the Viper Underground studio. Cheers! DJ STEPHANIE So, I bet you're thinking, um okay? Yesterday, I released my latest track "Rx Bass". Being the official Doctor DJ, I love the play on words. This track is very near and dear to me. I wanted to be able to provide a heightened and engaged listening experience that was tied together by one of a DJ's most powerful tools: Bass. As fall emerges and our busy lives go on, sometimes it's good to take a break to unwind, relax and dig into some tunes. That's what I did here, but of course with a little more drama to take you on a journey which hopefully resonates with you metaphorically and well quite literally.
At raves, festivals, on the radio, etc. you always hear the ages-old change "let me see that bass drop". Finding the right bass and using it at the right time is a skill and when done correctly, can add that dash of drama and excitement that can allow you to escape, get to your happy place, and definitely push those endorphins into overdrive. Rx Bass is intended to give you that recharge that your Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte just can't. As we dive head first into fall, I have a few more surprises up my sleeve. Stay tuned to find out what they are. In the last two months I have been honored to be recognized for my work as both a DJane as well as my creative work in EDM. A sincerest thank you to all of the fans of The Doctor Nation and The Viper Underground for your love and support. This also gives me a chance to give a major shoutout to Brandon at DJ Drops 24/7. His work and drops has strongly influenced both me and The Viper Underground. Thank you for your support and creative genius.
So what can you expect coming out of The Viper Underground? The Viper Underground is currently working with new artists and welcoming in to the family. Stay tuned, I promise it's going to be worth the wait! This November, I will be representing the State of Georgia in recognition of my EDM and trap music mixtape. This will be my second up at bat as the DJ representing my home state. I can't wait to share that ATL sound with the world. Mark your calendars for the go live date! I never thought this day would come, we are less than a week away from launching The Viper Underground (VPU) into its own world. With a world-wide pandemic, nothing can bring a brighter light than music. I've promised myself, and well, now all of you that I would share the stories and life of VPU completely uncensored and unfiltered.
As a DJ starting out, you almost always agree to collaborate or join anything to get your name, brand, music, and what-have-you out there. And that's exactly what I did when I formed The Doctor Nation. Plus, it felt right. I'm a doctor and a DJ. We created a format, it worked. I am so grateful for our fans and the outpouring of love and support. So why shelve it? To put it simply, to push the envelope of creativity that represents underground artists. This pool of talent has a way of pushing barriers without the restriction of a glass ceiling or defined sound. For me, the creation of a new sound, vibe, and mental escape is the golden ticket. I look forward to the journey ahead. |
AUTHORDJ Stephanie: Founder of The Viper Underground and The Doctor Nation. DJ Stephanie is a live mix DJ from Atlanta, Georgia. ARCHIVES
October 2021